Our Approach: Three Interrelated Components
A Comprehensive Process

We will provide a full range of services to support both the corporate-level strategic goals and facility-specific operational needs of the project. First, we will formulate with the Client its various alternative decision scenarios and the optimal results in each one. Then, once the Client has chosen the desired scenario, we will help the Client conceive, design, and execute a process which enables the project to be operational on, or ahead of, schedule. Our experience tells us that the project's optimal (as opposed to "ideal") results, both financially and operationally, will stem from a comprehensive, interdependent process. This process includes thoughtful due diligence and analysis, thorough yet timely negotiations, and well-orchestrated transactions. The project will not achieve optimal results if they are approached as separate, independent events.

Fast Accurate Execution

"The clock is ticking." To keep the project on schedule, there will be no second chance to correctly decide on the desired optimal results, operating environment, and site characteristics for the project. Likewise, there will be no second chance to correctly act on these decisions. So, we are fast and accurate in executing the development process and its component transactions. While doing so, we target and pursue opportunities, whether through incentives or otherwise, to capture all possible time and cost savings to get the facility located, built (or bought or leased), and operating within budget and within schedule - regardless of where the facility ultimately is sited. In brief, we help the Client to develop the best possible plan for its project, execute that plan, and, during execution, save costs and fast-track the process. No matter what, we strive to keep the process moving forward.

Team Work Between DEALTEK® And The Client

At our end, we will utilize the best professional resources at the lowest possible cost to the Client. Given the project's fast-track nature, we will make our professionals available whenever and wherever the Client needs them. Similarly, we will need the Client to assemble its in-house members of the project team, designate a contact person for DEALTEK® regarding general engagement management, and, throughout the engagement, keep the lines of communication open between all team members. It is critical that we coordinate efforts and maintain responsiveness throughout the team. For instance, at times DEALTEK® will recommend that the Client personnel should join us to maximize the benefit of certain site tours, meetings, and conference calls with the state and local officials and other parties.

DEALTEK, DEAL Zone, DEALS, "Development, Expansion, and Location Solutions," Expert DEALS,
and "Turning Decision Choices into Choice Decisions" are registered trademarks of DEALTEK, Ltd.
The DEALS ® software program and the method of using it are covered by US Patent Number 7,640,196.
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